SHTF Lessons From Global Famines Throughout History

Global famines throughout history have been some of the most devastating SHTF scenarios in terms of widespread death and suffering. These events have taught us many lessons about survival in the face of extreme food shortages, and there are several key takeaways that we can apply to our own preparations for an uncertain future.

  1. Stockpile food and water: One of the most important lessons from global famines is the need to have a long-term supply of food and water on hand. This can be achieved through stockpiling non-perishable food items, such as canned goods, dried beans, and grains, as well as water purification systems and storage containers.
  2. Learn to grow your own food: Famines often result from crop failures or disruptions to food distribution systems, making it critical to be able to grow your own food. Learning how to cultivate crops, raise livestock, and preserve food can help you become more self-sufficient and less reliant on outside sources of food.
  3. Develop survival skills: In the face of a famine or other SHTF scenario, basic survival skills can be the difference between life and death. Skills such as foraging for wild food, hunting, fishing, and basic first aid can help you survive in the absence of modern conveniences.
  1. Build community networks: During a global famine, it may be necessary to rely on community networks for survival. Building relationships with neighbors, friends, and family members can help you share resources, knowledge, and support during a crisis.
  2. Be prepared to adapt: In the face of a global famine, it may be necessary to adapt to new and unfamiliar food sources. This may mean incorporating insects, wild plants, or unconventional livestock into your diet, or learning new methods of food preservation.
  3. Preserve cultural knowledge: Many cultures around the world have developed unique survival strategies and knowledge related to food and water scarcity. Preserving and sharing this knowledge can help ensure that it is not lost and can be used to inform our own preparations for the future.

By learning from the lessons of global famines and other historical SHTF scenarios, we can better prepare ourselves for the uncertainties of the future. Stockpiling food and water, learning to grow our own food, developing survival skills, building community networks, being prepared to adapt, and preserving cultural knowledge are all important strategies for surviving in the face of extreme food shortages.


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