The "Ultimate Prep"

As the world becomes increasingly uncertain and unpredictable (though the Bible did tell us this would happen), people are looking for ways to prepare themselves for any "SHTF scenario" that might come their way. We stockpile food, water, and supplies, and practice survival skills like building fires, finding shelter, and purifying water. While these are all important measures to take, the "ultimate prep" for any situation is having a deep and abiding faith in Jesus Christ and obeying his commands.

The Bible teaches that in this life, we will face trials and tribulations. We may experience natural disasters, financial hardship, illness, or persecution. In these moments, it can be tempting to turn to our own strength or rely on the resources we have stockpiled. But the reality is that our physical resources can only take us so far. Eventually, we will reach the limits of our abilities and resources, and we will need something greater to sustain us.

This is where faith in the Creator's chosen Messiah, Jesus Christ, comes in. When we believe in Jesus and obey his teachings, we tap into a power that is greater than ourselves. Jesus promises to be with us always, to give us strength when we are weak, and to guide us through every situation.

One of the key teachings of Jesus is to love one another as he has loved us. In a survival situation, this means caring for and helping others, even when it may not be convenient or easy. It means sharing our resources, working together, and lifting each other up in prayer. When we live out this commandment, we create a community of support and encouragement that can help us through even the toughest times.

Another important aspect of faith in Jesus is trusting in his plan for our lives. We may not always understand why we are going through a particular trial, but we can always trust that God is in control and that he has a purpose for everything. This trust can give us peace and comfort (that all our preps never can) in the midst of even the most challenging circumstances.

In addition to these spiritual benefits, faith in Jesus can also provide practical help in a survival situation. Jesus teaches us to be wise stewards of the resources we have been given, to use them for good and to avoid waste. He also teaches us to be humble, to put the needs of others before our own, and to be willing to sacrifice for fellow believers. These attitudes can help us make the most of the resources we have, and to work together to overcome any obstacle.

While it is important to take practical steps to prepare for a survival situation, the ultimate prep is having a deep and abiding faith in Jesus Christ. When we trust in him, we tap into a power that is greater than ourselves, and we gain the strength, wisdom, and guidance we need to navigate even the toughest situations. So as you prepare for the future, remember that the most important prep of all is to believe in and obey Jesus Christ

As much as I love talking about prepping, emergency preparedness, SHTF, bushcraft, and wilderness survival, my greatest love is sharing the good news that Jesus Christ proclaimed and if you have any questions, please email me:
