Updated Prepper Crash Course (Prepping, Emergency Preparedness, Security, Survival, SHTF, Collapse)

In my time as a homesteader, prepper, and former USN submariner, I've had a lot of training in the field of preparedness. Below is a list of books I've written related to the topics of prepping, emergency preparedness, security, survival, and SHTF:

  1. After the Fall: Strategies for Thriving in a Post-Collapse America ($0.99)
  2. Introduction to SHTF, Prepping, and Emergency Preparedness ($4.99)
  3. The Prepper Family Emergency Preparedness Guide: Survive & Thrive During SHTF ($4.99)
  4. The Prepper's Ultimate Guide To Home Defense ($4.99)
  5. Guerrilla Warfare for Preppers, Survivalists, and Patriots: The Art of Resistance ($4.99)
  6. The Gray Man's Guide to Surviving SHTF ($4.99)
  7. Prepper Mutual Assistance Groups (MAGs): Building Resilient Communities ($4.99)
  8. The Urban Prepper’s Complete Survival Guide ($4.99)
  9. Survival Lessons From SHTF Scenarios Throughout History ($7.99)
  10. Prepper Fitness for SHTF ($4.99)

After the Fall: Strategies for Thriving in a Post-Collapse America ($0.99)

After the Fall: Strategies for Thriving in a Post-Collapse America

"After the Fall: Strategies for Thriving in a Post-Collapse America" is a comprehensive guide that equips you with the essential knowledge and practical skills needed to navigate and flourish in the aftermath of societal collapse.

Author John Mann, an experienced survival expert and prepper, presents a roadmap to help you not only survive but also build a prosperous future. Drawing on years of research and hands-on experience, this book offers a wealth of information and actionable strategies that will empower you to adapt and thrive in the most challenging circumstances.

From securing shelter and sustaining food and water supplies to establishing self-sufficiency and engaging in community building, "After the Fall" covers it all. Learn how to navigate the complexities of a post-collapse world, including bartering and trade, communication in disconnected environments, medical skills, and sustainable living practices. Discover invaluable insights and proven tactics that will give you the confidence to face the unknown with resilience and determination.

Whether you are a seasoned prepper or new to the concept of survivalism, "After the Fall" is your indispensable guide to not just surviving, but thriving in a post-collapse America. Arm yourself with the knowledge, skills, and mindset necessary to overcome the challenges and embrace the opportunity to build a brighter future. The collapse may have happened, but your journey is just beginning.

Introduction to SHTF, Prepping, and Emergency Preparedness ($4.99)

Introduction to SHTF, Prepping, and Emergency Preparedness

"Introduction to SHTF, Prepping, and Emergency Preparedness" is a comprehensive guide to preparing for survival in a catastrophic event. Written by experienced prepper John Mann, this book is perfect for anyone who wants to learn the essential skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a post-disaster and post-SHTF world.

This book covers all aspects of emergency preparedness, including how to create a survival plan, stockpile essential supplies, and secure your home and property. You will learn how to assess your risks, develop a survival mindset, and make critical decisions in high-pressure situations.

In "Introduction to SHTF, Prepping, and Emergency Preparedness," you will also discover practical tips and techniques for self-sufficiency, such as growing your own food, purifying water, and generating alternative sources of energy. Whether you are a seasoned prepper or just getting started, this book will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to survive and thrive in any emergency.

With its easy-to-follow instructions and comprehensive coverage of all aspects of emergency preparedness, "Introduction to SHTF, Prepping, and Emergency Preparedness" is the ultimate guide for anyone who wants to be ready for anything.

Order your copy today and start preparing for a safer, more self-sufficient future.

The Prepper Family Emergency Preparedness Guide: Survive & Thrive During SHTF ($4.99)

The Prepper Family Emergency Preparedness Guide: Survive & Thrive During SHTF

"The Prepper Family Emergency Preparedness Guide" is a comprehensive and practical guide for families looking to prepare for emergencies and survive during times of crisis. Whether you're facing a natural disaster, economic collapse, or other SHTF scenarios, this book will help you get prepared and stay safe.

Written by John Mann, an experienced prepper and survival expert, this guide covers everything you need to know to protect your family and thrive during emergencies. It includes step-by-step instructions for creating a family emergency plan, stocking up on essential supplies, and building a safe and secure bug-out location. You'll learn how to assess your family's unique needs and prepare for a range of emergencies, from short-term power outages to long-term societal collapse.

In addition to practical advice on food and water storage, first aid, and self-defense, this book also covers key psychological and emotional aspects of emergency preparedness. You'll learn how to maintain a positive attitude, cope with stress, and keep your family strong and resilient in the face of adversity.

Whether you're a seasoned prepper or just starting to prepare for emergencies, "The Prepper Family Emergency Preparedness Guide" is the ultimate resource for staying safe and thriving during SHTF scenarios. With this book, you'll have the knowledge and tools you need to protect your family and weather any storm.

The Prepper's Ultimate Guide To Home Defense ($4.99)

The Prepper's Ultimate Guide To Home Defense

"The Prepper's Ultimate Guide to Home Defense" is an indispensable resource for individuals seeking to safeguard their homes and loved ones in uncertain times. Written by an expert in the field of preparedness and self-defense, this comprehensive guide offers practical strategies, expert advice, and invaluable insights to fortify your home and protect against potential threats.

In this book, you will learn a wide range of essential home defense techniques, from fortifying your property and creating secure perimeters to developing effective security systems and protocols. Discover how to assess vulnerabilities, identify potential risks, and implement practical solutions that will help you stay one step ahead of any potential threats.

"The Prepper's Ultimate Guide to Home Defense" goes beyond physical security measures, delving into psychological preparedness and situational awareness. Gain a deeper understanding of threat assessment, risk management, and the importance of maintaining a vigilant mindset to effectively respond to potential dangers.

Whether you are new to prepping or an experienced survivalist, this guide provides valuable insights into home defense strategies that can be tailored to your specific needs. With practical tips, step-by-step instructions, and real-life case studies, this book equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect what matters most in times of crisis.

Don't leave the safety of your home and loved ones to chance. Empower yourself with the knowledge and skills to create a secure and resilient home defense plan. Get "The Prepper's Ultimate Guide to Home Defense" and take control of your family's safety and well-being in any situation.

Guerrilla Warfare for Preppers, Survivalists, and Patriots: The Art of Resistance ($4.99)

Guerrilla Warfare for Preppers, Survivalists, and Patriots: The Art of Resistance

In a world filled with uncertainties, being prepared and having the ability to defend oneself and loved ones becomes paramount. "Guerrilla Warfare for Preppers, Survivalists, and Patriots: The Art of Resistance" is a comprehensive guide that empowers individuals with the knowledge and tactics necessary to protect their freedom and resist oppression in challenging times.

Written for preppers, survivalists, and patriots who understand the importance of preparedness and self-reliance, this book goes beyond traditional self-defense strategies. It delves into the art of guerrilla warfare, offering practical insights and expert advice on unconventional tactics, strategies, and techniques employed by resistance fighters throughout history.

This guide covers a wide range of topics, including covert operations, sabotage, intelligence gathering, counter-surveillance, and small unit tactics. Learn how to adapt to changing circumstances, maximize limited resources, and exploit the weaknesses of your adversaries to level the playing field in asymmetric warfare scenarios.

More than just a theoretical manual, "Guerrilla Warfare for Preppers, Survivalists, and Patriots" provides practical, actionable guidance to develop the mindset, skills, and capabilities required to become an effective guerrilla fighter. Drawing from historical examples and real-life case studies, this book offers valuable insights into the principles and strategies employed by successful resistance movements.

Whether you are concerned about the erosion of civil liberties, preparing for societal breakdown, or simply seeking to enhance your preparedness capabilities, "Guerrilla Warfare for Preppers, Survivalists, and Patriots" is an indispensable resource for those who value their freedom and are willing to defend it at any cost. Prepare to embark on a journey of resistance and learn the art of guerrilla warfare to protect what matters most in times of crisis.

The Gray Man's Guide to Surviving SHTF ($4.99)

The Gray Man's Guide to Surviving SHTF

"The Gray Man's Guide to Surviving SHTF" is an essential resource for those seeking to master the art of blending in and thriving in unpredictable and dangerous situations. In this comprehensive guide, you will delve into the world of the Gray Man—a concept rooted in the principles of stealth, adaptability, and resilience.

With expert insights and practical advice, this book provides a step-by-step approach to honing your skills as an invisible protector. Discover the secrets of remaining unnoticed, whether in urban environments or rural landscapes. Explore the psychology behind the Gray Man concept and learn how to leverage it to your advantage.

From camouflage and concealment techniques to mastering situational awareness, you'll acquire the skills necessary to navigate through crises without drawing attention. Learn how to control your body language, manage emotions, and communicate discreetly. Gain invaluable knowledge on resource management, information security, and strategic acquisition to ensure your survival in any scenario.

"The Gray Man's Guide to Surviving SHTF" is more than just a survival guide—it's a mindset shift. Embrace the Gray Man lifestyle and develop the mindset, skills, and preparedness required to safeguard yourself and your loved ones in an uncertain world. Equip yourself with practical exercises and drills to enhance your Gray Man skills, and uncover the principles that will guide you towards being the invisible protector.

Whether you are a prepper, survival enthusiast, or simply someone seeking to increase their personal security, this book is a must-have. Embrace the power of the Gray Man, and become the invisible protector you were meant to be.

Prepper Mutual Assistance Groups (MAGs): Building Resilient Communities ($4.99)

Are you looking to take your preparedness efforts to the next level? Are you interested in forming a network of like-minded individuals who can support each other during uncertain times? Look no further! In "Prepper Mutual Assistance Groups (MAGs): Building Resilient Communities," we delve into the world of MAGs and provide you with a comprehensive guide to forming and sustaining a strong and effective mutual assistance group.

In this book, we explore the power of MAGs in creating resilient communities capable of withstanding and recovering from various crisis scenarios. You will discover the importance of collaboration, cooperation, and shared resources in maximizing your preparedness efforts. Whether you are concerned about natural disasters, economic instability, or other SHTF (Shit Hits The Fan) events, forming a MAG can significantly enhance your chances of survival and recovery.

Inside this book, you will find:
  • An introduction to Prepper Mutual Assistance Groups (MAGs): Understand the concept, benefits, and principles of MAGs and how they can revolutionize your preparedness journey.
  • Step-by-step guidance for forming and organizing a MAG: Learn how to define goals, values, and guidelines that align with your group's vision, as well as how to allocate roles and responsibilities effectively.
  • Strategies for resource management: Explore how to assess, acquire, maintain, and share essential supplies within your MAG, ensuring everyone's needs are met in challenging times.
  • Establishing robust communication systems: Discover the best communication tools, protocols, and practices to ensure effective information exchange and coordination among MAG members.
  • Enhancing security and defense: Develop security protocols, conduct risk assessments, and receive training in situational awareness, conflict resolution, and self-defense to protect your MAG and its assets.
  • The power of mutual assistance and collaboration: Learn how to share skills, knowledge, and resources within your MAG, building a supportive community that fosters trust and resilience.
  • Training, education, and skill development: Identify essential skills and knowledge areas, conduct training sessions, and promote continuous learning and skill enhancement within your MAG.
  • Long-term sustainability: Discover sustainable practices for food, water, energy, health, and medical preparedness, ensuring your MAG can thrive in the face of prolonged crises.
  • Engaging with external networks: Learn how to build alliances and partnerships with local community organizations, government agencies, and other prepper groups to strengthen community resilience.
  • Overcoming obstacles and looking ahead: Address internal conflicts, manage limited resources, and learn from past experiences to develop strategies for a resilient future.

"Prepper Mutual Assistance Groups (MAGs): Building Resilient Communities" is the ultimate guide for individuals and groups seeking to establish and maintain effective MAGs. Packed with practical advice, real-life examples, and actionable steps, this book equips you with the knowledge and tools necessary to create a strong and resilient community capable of thriving in the face of adversity. Get ready to build your MAG and prepare for whatever challenges lie ahead. Start your journey toward resilience today!

The Urban Prepper’s Complete Survival Guide ($4.99)

"The Urban Prepper’s Complete Survival Guide" is a comprehensive and indispensable manual that equips urban dwellers with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to thrive in any crisis or disaster situation. In an increasingly unpredictable world, being prepared is no longer an option—it's a necessity.

This guidebook is tailored specifically to the unique challenges of urban environments, where space is limited, resources are constrained, and reliance on complex infrastructure is high. From natural disasters to civil unrest, this book covers it all, providing urban preppers with the tools they need to protect themselves, their families, and their communities.

Inside "The Urban Prepper’s Complete Survival Guide," you'll find:
  • Essential Preparedness Strategies: Learn the fundamentals of urban prepping, including how to assess risks, create a personalized emergency plan, and assemble a comprehensive emergency kit specifically designed for urban survival.
  • Urban Survival Skills: Master crucial skills necessary for thriving in the urban jungle, such as first aid and medical care, urban navigation, self-defense techniques, securing shelter, and procuring clean water and food sources.
  • Adaptability and Resourcefulness: Discover innovative strategies to overcome the unique challenges of urban environments. Explore sustainable food production, alternative energy sources, effective communication methods, and waste management techniques.
  • Psychological Resilience: Understand the importance of mental well-being and learn techniques to build resilience, manage stress, and maintain a positive mindset in the face of adversity. Develop the mental fortitude necessary for urban survival.
  • Community Building and Collaboration: Learn the power of community collaboration and how to establish networks, forge alliances, and foster support within your urban environment. Discover the strength that comes from collective resilience.
  • Long-Term Sustainability: Dive into sustainable practices that enable urban preppers to thrive in the long run. From urban gardening and renewable energy generation to waste management and responsible resource consumption, this book provides the tools to create a sustainable lifestyle in the city.
"The Urban Prepper’s Complete Survival Guide" goes beyond mere survival—it empowers urban dwellers to thrive, no matter the circumstances. Whether you're a seasoned prepper or new to the concept, this book is your ultimate resource for navigating the challenges of urban living and ensuring the safety and well-being of yourself and your loved ones.

Prepare, adapt, and thrive in the urban jungle with "The Urban Prepper’s Complete Survival Guide"—your comprehensive handbook for urban prepping in the modern age.

Survival Lessons From SHTF Scenarios Throughout History ($7.99)

Survival Lessons From SHTF Scenarios Throughout History

"Survival Lessons From SHTF Scenarios Throughout History" is a comprehensive guide for preppers looking to learn from the experiences of those who have faced SHTF situations in the midst of wars, revolutions, famines, and financial failures throughout history. From the Romans to the modern-day conflicts, this book explores the strategies, tactics, and survival skills used by people in times of crisis or "SHTF".

Drawing on a wealth of historical knowledge and expertise, this book provides invaluable insights for preppers who want to be better prepared for any potential SHTF scenario. With a focus on practical advice and real-world examples, it is a must-read for anyone interested in survivalism, history, or military strategy.

Prepper Fitness for SHTF ($4.99)

In times of crisis and uncertainty, physical and mental preparedness can mean the difference between life and death. "Prepper Fitness for SHTF" is a comprehensive guide that equips you with the essential knowledge and practical strategies to build the strength, endurance, and resilience necessary to thrive during SHTF (Shit Hits The Fan) scenarios.

Inside this book, you will discover the importance of prepper fitness and its direct impact on your ability to navigate emergencies. Drawing upon a wealth of expertise in physical fitness, mental resilience, and survival skills, [Your Name], an experienced prepper and fitness enthusiast, provides you with a roadmap to optimize your preparedness and enhance your chances of survival.

With clear explanations and step-by-step guidance, you will explore various aspects of prepper fitness, including:
  • The prepper mindset: Cultivating mental resilience, stress management techniques, and the adaptive skills necessary to face challenging situations head-on.
  • Setting fitness goals: Assessing your current fitness level, identifying specific fitness goals for SHTF scenarios, and establishing realistic targets that align with your individual capabilities.
  • Strength training for preppers: Understanding the importance of strength training, essential exercises to build functional strength, and designing a comprehensive strength training program tailored to your needs.
  • Cardiovascular fitness and endurance: Recognizing the role of cardiovascular fitness in emergency situations, types of cardio exercises suitable for preppers, and developing an effective cardio training regimen.
  • Functional fitness for survival: Embracing functional exercises that replicate real-life movements and situations, integrating them into your fitness routine, and improving your overall readiness.
  • Prepper nutrition essentials: Understanding the significance of proper nutrition during emergencies, creating a balanced meal plan, and long-term food storage and rationing strategies.

"Prepper Fitness for SHTF" is not just a theoretical guide—it is a practical handbook that empowers you to take control of your preparedness journey. Each chapter is filled with actionable advice, workout routines, training tips, and insights gained from real-world experiences. Whether you are new to prepping or an experienced survivalist, this book will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to build a solid foundation of physical and mental preparedness.

Take the first step towards a more resilient future. Invest in your survival and well-being by embracing prepper fitness. Arm yourself with the strength, endurance, and adaptability required to face any crisis with confidence. Order your copy of "Prepper Fitness for SHTF" today and embark on the path to becoming a prepared and resilient survivor.
